O Jesu Christe
Sancte Pie Decime
Welcome to the oldest Latin Mass parish in Kansas City.

Thank you for visiting
St. Vincent De Paul Roman Catholic Church online.
St. Vincent de Paul Church is serviced by clergy of the Society of St. Pius X,
a congregation of priests canonically established in 1970,
by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre,
to celebrate the Latin Mass and sacraments.
Since 1980, the Tridentine Roman rite has been offered here exclusively.
We acknowledge His Holiness Pope Francis
as Supreme Pontiff of the Church,
and we recognize His Excellency James V. Johnston, Jr. as the local Ordinary of the diocese.
A Short History of our Venerable Church
At the invitation of Bishop Hogan the Vincentians found a city
parish and build an initial wooden church at 1715 Oak Street.
In 1895, the parish moves to a brick church at the northeast
corner of 31st and Flora.
Maurice Carroll designs the new St. Vincent’s as “a true gothic
parish church”. The American Institute of Architects awards a
gold medal for his unique design.
Famed sculptor, Joseph Conradi carves a 12-ton limestone
block in situ as Christ Crucified that faces The Paseo. Registered
with the Smithsonian Institute, it’s the city’s first and largest of its
The new church is blessed by Bishop Lillis. It’s Kansas City’s first
church of reinforced concrete and a solid redwood ceiling. (the
English Cruck Truss design is unique for the United States)
Three new marble altars are installed and blessed in the church
by Bishop Edwin O’Hara. The Miraculous Medal (Lady) Chapel
is designated the city’s official shrine to that devotion.
After 88 years, the Vincentians depart and the diocese closes
St. Vincent’s. The SSPX starts St. Michael the Archangel
Mission for the Kansas City area. The Roman Mass is offered
first in homes, then a small church, and finally in a floral shop
With the guidance and leadership of parishioners Al Walters
and Joe Zubeck the SSPX purchases St. Vincent’s Church.
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre declares: “It’s magnificent! It’s a
Archbishop Lefebvre ordains several seminarians. On May
10, he blesses the church and gives First Communions and
Confirmations to many children. The events earn St. Vincent’s
the nickname of the “Archbishop’s Cathedral”.
St. Vincent’s Academy is obtained and restored allowing classes
to begin in 1990.
The former rectory is purchased. In 2014, after extensive
remodeling, the parish priests take residence.
St. Vincent’s role as the SSPX’s “Episcopal church” is relived
during the December 30th priestly ordination of Fr. Benjamin
Campbell and the subdiaconate ordination of Fr. Jordan Fahnestock.
St. Vincent’s historic church bell is blessed on July 19 by
District Superior, Fr. Arnaud Rostand, and named “Immaculate
Conception”. Dating from 1957, this bell is the second oldest in
Kansas City.
St. Vincent’s begins a capital campaign toward the restoration
of its nearly 95 year old church.
St. Vincent's purchases a new school building on Tracy Avenue.
St. Vincent's completes Phase I of its Capital Campaign, which included a restoring the roof, tuck-pointing the exterior stonework, and adding a new parking lot.
Completion of Phase II in the Capital Campaign involving the re-plastering and painting of the entire church interior.
St. Vincent de Paul Academy commences its 2020-2021 school year in two campuses, the new Tracy Avenue campus and Flora campus.
Stained glass windows will be removed in two phases. They will undergo a program of historic restoration. The windows will be reinstalled. A protective covering will be installed into the traceries.
St. Vincent de Paul Church was Consecrated by His Excellency Bishop Bernard Fellay on September 26, 2024.
"The Apostle of Charity"

St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent was born of poor parents in the village of Pouy in Gascony, France, about 1580. He enjoyed his first schooling under the Franciscan Fathers at Acqs. His progress in four years had been so great that a gentleman chose him as sub-preceptor to his children, and he was thus enabled to continue his studies without being a burden to his parents. In 1596, he went to the University of Toulouse for theological studies, and there he was ordained priest in 1600.
In 1605, on a voyage by sea from Marseilles to Narbonne, he fell into the hands of African pirates and was carried as a slave to Tunis. His captivity lasted about two years, until Divine Providence enabled him to effect his escape. After a brief visit to Rome he returned to France, where he became preceptor in the family of Emmanuel de Gondy, Count of Goigny, and General of the galleys of France. In 1617, he began to preach missions, and in 1625, he lay the foundations of a congregation which afterward became theCongregation of the Mission or Lazarists, so named on account of the Prioryof St. Lazarus, which the Fathers began to occupy in 1633.
It would be impossible to enumerate all the works of this servant of God. Charity was his predominant virtue. It extended to all classes of persons, from forsaken childhood to old age. The Sisters of Charity also owe the foundation of their congregation to St. Vincent. In the midst of the most distracting occupations his soul was always intimately united with God. Though honored by the great ones of the world, he remained deeply rooted in humility. The Apostle of Charity, the immortal Vincent de Paul, breathed his last in Paris at the age of eighty. His feast day is September 27th. He is the patron of charitable societies.